
December 30, 2016

Workers’ Compensation- Get What You Deserve

Workers’ compensation generally covers all employees, including part-time, temporary, and immigrant workers, regardless of fault. The work-related medical issue may be the result of a one-time incident, a long-term repetitive motion, or a workplace safety issue. You have two years following the injury to notify your employer and begin the application process for Workers’ Compensation benefits. If your request is denied, you have 18 months to appeal.

Here are some things you should do if you are injured on the job:

• Notify your employer and file a written accident report immediately. Include the name of the supervisor you reported the injury to and the day and time you reported it. Provide detailed information regarding how and where the injury occurred.

• Choose your doctor. You often have the right to choose your own doctor for treatment. If your employer has a managed care plan they should provide a list of doctors to choose from.

• Keep detailed records. Maintain a file of all receipts relating to treatment. Record all communication, including phone conversations, emails and written correspondence.

Why Hire an Attorney?

A knowledgeable attorney can help you through the complex Workers’ Compensation system, ensuring that all key deadlines are met. You may be entitled to more benefits than you are initially given. The goal of an insurance company is to save as much money as possible, not to notify you of ways in which you could receive additional compensation. An attorney will help you receive your rightful compensation.

An attorney will notify you of other benefits to which you may entitled, such as the right to be reinstated in your job or a modified version of your prior job, as well as federal and state disability benefits. Further, you may have a personal injury claim against another party.

Being injured and unable to work can be very stressful. Attorney Sarah Rubury has the experience to help you obtain all the benefits and compensation you are entitled to.

December 30, 2016